Aug 9, 2022Liked by Samuel D. James

We’ll agree to disagree about Dr. Du Mez. I found “Jesus and John Wayne” extremely helpful. I grew up as a Christian during the 70s and was a young mom in the 80s. I was oblivious the the political ground changing underneath me. It was okay to be an Independent or a Democrat when I became a Xn, and character counted. The seeking and obtaining of secular political power has been destructive to the Church’s witness, making it sometimes hard to tell the difference between us and the world. I don’t agree with all her conclusions nor everything she believes but the book was very enlightening regarding the level of manipulation being used to get us everyday Xns to believe that only one party was representing God’s will and purpose.

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One of your best articles among those I have read. I am a huge fan of David McCullough and try to read everything he has written. I am about to crack open his account of the building of the Panama Canal, a 31+ hour listen via Audible. It is a huge commitment but ultimately worthwhile because he writes so well, first of all, but also because he always makes history real and meaningful. Thanks for the post.

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Aug 9, 2022Liked by Samuel D. James

Great column -- thanks so much.

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Aug 9, 2022Liked by Samuel D. James

Lovely tribute. I considered David McCullough to be my history professor. I'll miss him.

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Aug 9, 2022Liked by Samuel D. James

As a professional historian I so agree with you about McCullough. What a shame that someone who wrote with such magnificent insight is no longer with us. And our fellow Evangelicals need to get the point that you are making as well! Thank you!

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Aug 9, 2022Liked by Samuel D. James

Excellent. Thank you.

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Aug 9, 2022Liked by Samuel D. James

Well written. Samuel. Thank you for these insights.

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Aug 9, 2022Liked by Samuel D. James

Too bad we don't enjoy studying history. Too bad that we refuse to learn from mistakes that were made in the past as well as appreciate what was proven to be good because we're convinced that we are more intelligent.

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