I’m pro-life. I wanted to start by saying that. I’m glad that RoevWade was overturned but I’m deeply concerned we paid far too high a price for that result, culminating in the election of the worst president in my long life and irreparable (w/o Jesus) damage to our witness. We’ve unnecessarily driven many of our young away. Not only that but we haven’t succeeded in eliminating abortion, which I would have to believe is the real goal. We won’t get there through legislation or the courts but through the changing of hearts.

Getting to your point, the new mean evangelicalism is continuing down that very same path. I’m not saying we should be mealy-mouthed about our faith but I am asking how that is showing God’s abiding love? Or is the only acceptable love anymore for a Xn “tough love”. When I was growing up I was taught to see not enemies but souls to be won. When did that change?

RoevWade is overturned so hopefully we’ll have more children to raise. Yet I’m still seeing Xns vote against any new tax measures as if that is an article of our Xn faith. A close relative celebrated the overturn and then voted against a tax measure that continued funding the school district at the same level because “teachers unions”. Really?

Critics have a point when they say Xns only value the pre-born. Once they are born, well then, you’re on your own, buddy. Many churches run charities and that ought to be good enough, right? Ugh.

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Thank God for this! Christianity is God's absolute truth not an American ideology: what is true in the USA must also be true in Peru and China.

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